- 英语学习 When Questions and Answers 问题和回答 1. When are you leaving? 你什么时候走 2. I am leaving in five minutes. 我五分钟后走 3. When will you arrive? 你什么时候到 4. I am arriving in two days. 我两天后到 5. When does the movie start? 电影什么时候开始 6. The movie starts at 7:20 p.m. 电影晚上七点二十开始。 7. When will he be finished? 他什么时候结束。 8. He will be finished in two weeks. 他将在两周后结束。 9. When did you cut your hair? 你什么时候剪的头发? 10. I cut my hair yesterday. 我昨天剪的头发。 11. When are you going to go to university? 你什么时候上大学 12. I am going to go to university next year. 我明年上大学。 13. When will they begin? 他们什么时候开始 14. They will begin soon. 他们很快就会开始。 15. When did she move to a new apartment? 她是什么时候搬到新公寓的? 16. She moved to a new apartment three months ago. 她是三个月前搬到新公寓的。 17. When will you leave England? 你什么时候离开英国? 18. I will leave England in six months. 我将在6个月后离开英国 19. When will they buy a new car? 他们什么时候买新车? 20. I don't know when they will buy a new car. 我不知道他们什么时候买新车。 该英语学习课程版权归Langhub.com所属,任何组织或个人未经允许不得将其用作商业用途。